Todd Perman

The Leasing Trends and Best Practices panel was moderated by Julie Wilson of Healthcare Realty and I was joined on the panel by Courtney Hanfland with Catholic Health Initiatives, Danny Prosky from Griffin-American Healthcare REIT III, Jim Croy with HCP and Perry Gabuzzi with Plaza Companies. Presenting somewhat opposing views, the REITs professed seeing significant demand and rent growth, while Courtney and I stressed change in approach with cost reduction and ambulatory care planning being paramount, with capital requirements to expand, and a shift in the point of care, more to a patient centered model. These changes made me question if the REIT’s goals of same store rent growth was achievable market to market.


Garth Hogan

Avoiding Pitfalls: Why Hospitals and Health Care Providers Need a Space Lease Compliance Program panel was moderated by Andrew Dick, with the healthcare law firm, Hall Render, I was joined on the panel by Ashley Pearson, from Carolinas Healthcare, Joe Krumdieck, from Realty Trust Group and John Trabold, from VMG healthcare valuation firm. Andrew began the discussion by siting the importance for real estate compliance and sited some of the recent court rulings where significant fines were paid for violations involving physicians leasing space from hospitals and health systems. We were all in agreement that it is imperative for hospitals to develop and enforce a space lease compliance program. John Trabold and I prepared a slide showing the “top 10” mistakes that healthcare real estate managers make, when preparing and enforcing leases.

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